Navigating Divorce in Georgia: #NowWhat When You Earn More Than Your Husband
Divorce is a significant life event that can bring about a range of emotions and uncertainties. When you find yourself in a situation...

The Power of Letting Go: How Embracing Forgiveness Transforms Your Divorce Journey
Divorce is undeniably one of the most challenging experiences a person can go through. It tests our emotional resilience, disrupts our...

Filing For Divorce in Georgia? Here's What You Should Know
Filing for divorce is a major decision that can be both emotionally and financially draining. If you are considering filing for divorce...

How to Rebuild Trust In Yourself During and After Divorce
Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally taxing time, and one of the most difficult tasks is learning how to trust yourself again....

Custody-Not The Fight You Want
Custody is difficult and painful. Custody is difficult. It's painful. And it can have a devastating impact on your kids. So it's...

What Kanye and Kim's Divorce Can Teach Us About Divorce in Georgia?
Laws in each state are different. One thing that it can teach us is that having a prenuptial agreement (more formally knowns as...

4 Things to Do When Life Gives You Lemons
Around Tuesday, September 9, 2021, the weather started to change and I started to cough. I suffer from sinus infections once a year, so...